At the end of each year, a
lot of people make series of New Year resolutions that are usually unrealistic
as they let go of these resolutions as soon as they are in the New Year. It is important therefore to set
goals; realistic goals for yourself. In setting these goals, you need to
ask yourself these few questions;
What are the two things you want to stop in
What are the two things you want to start in
What are the two things you want to continue
doing in 2014?
It is important for you to answer
these questions honestly and sincerely, only then can a realistic goal be set
for the coming year. Consequently, the acronym
SMART can be used to measure and
to guide you into realizing and achieving your set goals.
The first acronym is
‘S’ which
stands for
specific. To achieve a
goal, you have to be specific about what you really want. Having so many things
at the same time may lead to confusion and you may end up not achieving anything.
So be specific and then focus on it. To set a specific goal, you must ask yourself,
what do I want to achieve? Who is involved? And finally establish a time frame.
The second acronym is
‘M’ which
stands for
measurable. After setting
your goals, you should be able to tell how much of progress you have made and
what evidence you have of this progress.
The third acronym is
‘A’ which
stands for
attainable. Set goals
that are attainable by figuring out how to make them come true. You should
develop the attitudes, abilities, skills, and financial capacity to reach them.
The fourth acronym is
‘R’ which
stands for
realistic: to be
realistic, a goal must represent an objective towards which you are willing and
able to work. A goal can be both high and realistic; you are the only one who
can decide just how high your goal should be. A high goal is frequently easy to
achieve than a low one because low goals exerts low motivation force.
The last of these acronyms is
which is
timely. A goal should be
grounded within a time frame. With no time frame tied to it there’s no sense of
urgency. A goal you mean to achieve should be set quarterly and not yearly or
Finally, lasting success and
achievement cannot be attained without a goal. You must set a goal for your
business, academics, personal life and so on. Successful people do.
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