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Monday, 12 January 2015


Business is quintessential to the economy at all stages, it creates the opportunity to buy and sell goods and reinvest profits which further opens the doors to banking. A country is as strong as its monetary value and this can only be established by harboring an environment that is conducive to business. Globally, business refers to determining a fundamental need, whether it’s a good or service, and fulfilling that need at a cost. Take Google for example; by creating fast efficient means of searching for information on the internet, it is the largest internet company in the world. Google makes its money from advertisers and mobile devices including those running on the android operating system. Within the United States, Canada, England, and even here in Nigeria, we utilize those products and devices to conduct even more business to handle our own needs and wants.  We are interconnected which further demonstrates the need of business. Without the welder to make nails for the shoemaker, there would be nothing to use to fix the shoes of the teacher who could very well teach the next Bill Gates.

Nigeria is a middle income country with a mixed economy, ranked the 26th in the world in terms of GDP and is the largest economy in Africa. Of course plagued with the dampening rate of insecurities, unemployment most especially and mismanagement of the natural resources available to the economy that should be a source of unlimited revenue to boost the growth and development of the economy, the existence of business in the country has contributed in no small measure to the value chain of the economy, it has provided job and employment to many citizens, it plays crucial roles in the economic development of the country  boosting the economy’s image, making it a center of attraction for foreign investors who come in and establish.  

In most recent times, with the blossoming of the Nigerian economy with local and foreign investors, the nation is still experiencing a downside in terms of unemployment, gross inflation in the basic amenities of life making the cost of living really unbearable for half of its citizen; most businesses are re-channeling their focus to help alleviate the untold hardship inherent in the economy by providing access to unemployment and encouraging youths to start thinking entrepreneurial with alternative choices  involving the appreciation of different skills so as to reduce the rate of unemployment and at the same time be productive and also be job creator on the long run.

Lashone Links Group of Companies understands its connection to society and our economy. Aiming to be an internationally run enterprise,  Lashone Links works to fulfill various needs within various industries by establishing a company with a wide vision and mission to profile solutions to Real estate, housing deficiency, a reference point for human capital development, marketing and unemployment in Nigeria. Real Estate is flourishing all over the globe and Lashone can put you in the best position to lease and purchase property whether you are a fledgling company, a multi-tiered enterprise or an individual. Even at the most rudimentary level, Lashone Links operates a Business School to teach individuals all of these ideals to utilize in their own lives. By understanding how business works, we can better handle issues of unemployment and joblessness, this they achieve by periodically organizing skill acquisition exercise where hundreds of unemployed youths and adults benefits with intense trainings from skilled and astute personnel from different works of life. Probably most important, but least considered, is security. After creating a flourishing business, what protects your company and keeps your investments secure? Lashone aims to curb the societal menaces faced by corporations on a daily basis by creating a school of security and surveillance to help impact youths with the necessary rudiments and intense knowledge of what security and surveillance is all about.

Business occurs every day and is important not only to our government and its economy, but also to our own existence. What are you doing to stand out and be a force in the industry?

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